
24 Sharpecroft
CM19 4AA
United Kingdom
Mobile: 07702 358 607

Bee-utifulgifts&more offers a wide range of unique, personalised and handmade gifts perfect for any occasion. Explore our personalised and custom gift options, including eco-friendly and practical gifting. Whether you're looking for birthday, seasonal or special occasion gifts, our gift shop provides creative and thoughtful gift ideas. Discover beautiful personalised clothing & gifts that help create a memory. If you have a special occasion im here to help create your party invitations, cake toppers and other party ware. I love bringing your ideas to life too. So if you have a special request of design. Then please feel free to drop me an email. I love nothing more than creating your dreams and bringing them into reality.

Opening Times
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 11am-3pm (Messages sent may be read and replied outside of these hours also.)

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