
How cool is that!!! Ed Force One, love it 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn


Why do they need a plane that big?

My views & opinions are my own

Higgers- for their equipment, sleep, entourage, etc.

As a lady plane spotter, great photo!


More than likely it's to carry all their erm Drug supply's

Andy-C | Pewter World

As a lady plane spotter, great photo!”

I'm not the only saddo on the forum 

Was at RIAT at the weekend, what do you think?

F35 Stealth Fighter


Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Higgers- for their equipment, sleep, entourage, etc.

As a lady plane spotter, great photo!”


Straighteners, wigs, hairdressers

My views & opinions are my own

I'm not the only saddo on the forum 

Was at RIAT at the weekend, what do you think?

F35 Stealth Fighter



Steve, very impressive but I'm more of a civils girl than military.  Stood end of RAF Waddington runway many years ago to witness "Sparrows" display.  I would have probably been better off at Farnborough, although with eyes watering at the amount of money that Virgin Atlantic is spending on the A350!

Have withdrawal symptoms for Emirates A380 at the moment, as it's landing into Birmingham from the south.  Should see it from Sunday onwards for a few days when wind changes direction.


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