Morale boost for the Country? Tennis, cars & planes

By : Administrator
Published 11th July 2016 |
Read latest comment - 11th July 2016

With political chaos, economic doom and gloom, and a miserable summer, it's nice to have had a positive weekend for once!

Andy Murray wins Wimbledon, and Lewis Hamilton wins Silverston  Is it enough to unite us and cheer everyone up?

Spent Sunday at the International Air Tattoo, watching the much hyped new plane the RAF and Navy have bought to replace the harrier, the F35. To be fair it was very impressive, and coupled with great performances of RAF Typhoons, I felt a wave of nostalgic positivity for the Country. Further enhanced by announcements from Wimbledon and the Silverston.

For any saddo plane spotters like me, here's the F35 in all her glory.

First pics are the RAF aircraft:

Watching move into the hover:

Then a close up of an American one:

Forget the fact each one costs the price of a small country, it is an amazing bit of kit, with a service life planned to be 35 years+. 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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..and don't forget Chris Froome's exploits in the Tour de France!


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