Maternity question

By : Forum Member
Published 3rd October 2016 |
Read latest comment - 4th October 2016

Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions re: maternity leave. I have been googling for a while now and have had no luck on getting clear answers.

1) Can an employer choose to pay someone more than statutory pay, during their maternity leave?

2) If the employee has offered to work from home during maternity leave (as their job allows them the flexibility to), can the employer choose to continue to pay them in full during maternity leave?

Thanks for reading


First questions easy, yes.

You can offer more than the statutory amounts if you have a company maternity scheme. You must make sure your maternity leave and pay policies are clear and available to staff.

Second question is more interesting and a logical guess rather than a legal answer, but I saw the google challenge and couldn't resist 

So you want to pay maternity leave, and pay them for working? That doesn't make any sense, you wouldn't pay them twice.

can the employer choose to continue to pay them in full during maternity leave?

As the employer, you can pay them as much as you want, as long as you meet the statuary minimum maternity requirements, ie you let them have maternity leave without having to work.

If the employee gives up their rights to maternity leave to return to work, either home or office, then that's up to them.

Does that help?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your reply. Your answer has been very helpful



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