GP Appointments......

By : Forum Member
Published 12th January 2017 |
Read latest comment - 19th January 2017

I telephoned the docs for an appointment just after Christmas, said the earliest availability would be in 10 days time i.e. today..... I don't know what is going on around the rest of the country but listening to the news it seems no one can get to see a medical practitioner because they are overloaded with work. Well my appointment lasted all of 90 seconds, I told him my symptoms and he pressed the print button on his computer, promptly handing me some forms to go elsewhere to have some blood tests..... In the meantime the waiting room remained empty....  


I have had this problem! Been going back and forth from the doctors and the hospital trying to get test results. Been a nightmare, was phoning for 5 days straight trying to get an appointment and when I eventually got the appointment with my GP he still didn't have the test results and said the hospital should have given them to me- felt like I was playing tennis 

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

Blimey you scared off all the locals???

Our local quacks is permanently rammed with sick people, which is why I try and stay away. To be fair they can normally squeeze you in when we have the inevitable sick child, and can't fault them in general.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

My surgery isn't too bad as it's a large practice.  Took a while to get receptionists "trained" to offer appointments outside my working hours.  I often have first or second appointment of the day (820/830am) so why is my GP still running late......

By going at start or end of day, the patients who want to tell you about every illness/operation they have every had can be avoided!


Well it does seem a bit of a rigmarole, went to another clinic for the blood test, I timed this visit to perfection as they close at 3.30pm so I arrived at 3.20pm, test done. Nurse says I now have to make another appointment in a weeks time back at my own GP's practice.... Just seems to me a lot of time is wasted running around by everyone for something that really should take no longer than 10 minutes.......


I know GP's and the NHS get continual bad press but other than nosy receptionists we seem to be quite lucky locally.

My views & opinions are my own

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