I think a lot of it is dependant on the industry.
Someone starting a business tends to be a bunny caught in the headlamps. Within 3 months of trading they will have been bombarded to death with every type of product and service essential for their business survival as their details are circulated as hot new prey for the circling sales sharks 
If I get one more PAT tester telling me it's a legal requirement to make sure our kettle has been checked, I'll shove it and the taped up worn flex and broken plug where the sun doesn't shine.
Maybe its your approach that needs a rethink? Tell me I need to pay £40 each for a manual handlers course for my 5 plumbers along with everything else I need to do, and you'll get little attention.
But educate me that claims from employees due to problems with bad backs average around £20k with court costs, as well as loss of an employee, recruitment costs, business disruption etc, then £40 sounds like a bargain.
It's all in the pitch