Big Brother

By : Business Owner
Published 10th June 2017 |
Read latest comment - 13th June 2017

Seriously ..I was looking though the TV guide and saw this program ....this program is still running ???? Does anyone watch it anymore , I gave up on it at least 17 years ago. I can only imagine what type of people must be going in there now and wonder if Davina still hosts the show ,as if she is it would be a major backward step 

Andy-C | Pewter World

Hmmm.... possibly the same people who are glued to Jeremy Kyle? 

BB may be good if they locked the candidates in a bunker... with the real potential for death at regular intervals... id be up for that...

Ditto... I'd watch football if each team had a sniper and the ball was guaranteed to explode at some point

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

Ha ha, welcome back Centric, I've missed that 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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lol that would make it better

Andy-C | Pewter World

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