Happy Halloween!

By : Forum Moderator
Published 31st October 2017 |
Read latest comment - 4th November 2017

Do you open the door to trick or treaters or hide behind the curtains? We do because we have kids. I don't take them out trick or treating because they're a bit young and I never did it so I'm not that keen! I have been dressed up all day though! 


Bahh humbug, I hate Halloween

But spent the night trudging round after 2 very excited youngsters dressed as witches filling their buckets with enough sweets to last until next Halloween.

Definitely not as many people playing this year as last year. Strict rules for the kids, they only knock on doors where the house is obviously taking part, and are polite and courteous, particularly to older folk and take the time to talk to them.

But watched groups of "older" kids, mid secondary school stampeding round in hyper mode which is what puts me off. I think there should be a commonsense cut off age. It's for little ones, not snotty youths terrorizing neighborhoods. 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Hahaha you sound like my dad!   I wouldn't be impressed with gangs of teenagers coming to the door though. We just had younger kids come here and one older lad had a scary mask, which he took off so he didn't scare my two, he was really sweet and respectful, well brought up clearly!

I bought the last pumpkin in the shop and botched a scary face out of it last minute, as it had a squishy hole already. 

We held our private trick or treat at home only. We invited a few relatives and close friends to join. 


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