Spray and Pray

By : Forum Member
Published 19th January 2018 |
Read latest comment - 17th March 2018

'Spray and Pray' was a saying that I heard the other day and it tickled me so much that I thought I've just got to share it with you all.

If you are familiar with the world of Recruitment then you may already know about the 'Spray and Pray' practice and have indeed cursed it's very conception. 'Spray and Pray'  is adopted by people looking for a new job on Monster/Indeed/Jobsite, and send their CV to EVERY SINGLE job advert they find that vaguely represents the job they want. They have obviously adopted the theory that if they apply for 100 jobs then surely they will get one interview, right?

What they don't realise is the pain that causes the recruiter or employer, having to sift through hundreds of CVs that are sent by people who have not even properly read the job description, salary offering, location or quite frankly anything at all about the role. This has become all too apparent to me recently as I have undertaken a project for a Recruiter helping to screen the plethora of CVs that land on his desk every day, and already I am tearing my  hair out. And here's an example of why:

Job advertised: Operations Project Manager for a Music Studio chain
Applicant's job experience: IT Manager 

Salary advertised: £40-45k
Applicant's salary expectation: £65-80k

Job location: Bristol
Applicant's location: Aberdeen
Willing to relocate? NO

Why do you think this job is right for you?
Answer: I would really like to advance my career in the Sport's Science field.

At this point I referred them back to the actual title of the role (which really could not have been clearer) and threw their CV into the 'not in a million years' pile. Multiply this scenario by one hundred times a day and I ask myself; who would be a recruiter??! Maybe that is why recruiters come up with amusing little sayings like 'Spray and Pray' to get them through the day!


Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

Well that's a terrible idea all round! I help clients with CVs and I'd definitely not be advising them to use that approach. It sounds like a real headache. I also always help people to make CVs as easy to read and succinct as possible as people who recruit or work in HR have to look at so many they don't want to hear every single detail of every job you've ever done.  

Good luck with all the CVs 

I had the opposite effect , only me haha , was very particular with who I signed up for .. I was just lucky enough not to actually submit any as I had a new job within 2 weeks of being made redundant

Andy-C | Pewter World

was very particular with who I signed up for "

Yes - if everyone was a bit more 'select' about were they put their CVs I am sure they would see a better return. 

Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

Good luck with all the CVs 


Thanks Rebecca!

Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

I hate signing up with recrutment agencies, spray and pray seems to be the norm, followed by years of irrelevant untargeted spam 

My views & opinions are my own

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