- From Dragons Den

By : Forum Member
Published 31st August 2018 |
Read latest comment - 3rd September 2018

Has anyone had any experience of Peter Jones on Dragons Den put £125k into company.


Unlock new audiences with a progressive mobile app

Make your app in minutes, and start grabbing your audience’s attention where it matters: on mobile.

Beezer, app creator, has a wide range of features and components to help your app boost business. With no coding or developer skills required, these are simple and intuitive to use, bringing great benefits and potential to your brand!


Kind regards
Pete England

Never heard of it, do YOU have any actual experience of it? Why are you promoting it? 


im looking for feedback from other small business owners before I spend money on product? Is there any other way to start discussion without advertising the product? From the investigation I done on the web/google I haven't found anyone who has signed up?




Kind regards
Pete England

SiriS, it just sounded like spiel about it rather than a genuine request for feedback, maybe I'm just an old cynic. That rings alarm bells to me if you can't find any credible reviews online. I hope you can find someone who can share their experience about the product. It's definitely prudent to do that before spending any money.

Sorry I can't help here, I am not entirely sure what you are asking, but Rebecca is right - if you can't find anyone on line who has signed up then I am not sure you should either!


Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

I remember but I'm a bit more cynical now about apps. Could be a 100% wrong and plenty of people will point to graphs and stats that a paint a different picture, but I genuinely think the app hysteria has subsided and moved on.

5 years ago we were getting bombarded with requests for our app, along with app developers us hounding us to let them develop an app. We came close to spending a fortune, but my argument was always why? As long as we were high speed and optimised for mobile, what extra functionality or ROI would an app give you other than the hassle of having to make users download and install it?

I've since spoken to many business owners who have had a similar conclusion, or invested in apps and seen poor or low take up. Some areas lend themselves to apps, such as mobile games or specialised interest sites (thinking flight radar, navigating large events or things like the BBC weather app).

But I genuinely can't see how the average website can unlock new audiences with an app?

That said, still open minded and happy to hear a counter argument/success stories from typical businesses.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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