Fascinating article on the Beeb a few weeks ago.
A study conducted by Cardiff University has shown that people in their 50's and 60's are knocking 7 bells out of each other after drinking too much
The authors of the study said although this was "difficult to explain" it was likely to reflect the "growing" levels of drinking among older people in England.
And they suggested some older binge drinkers were still behaving as they did when younger, in the 1980s and 1990s.
"Current cohorts of older people exhibited higher alcohol consumption levels in the past and maybe continuing their relatively higher levels into older age," the study says.
"Since heavy binge drinking, and violence associated with it, were much more frequent three or four decades ago, it seems possible that this generational trait is also reflected in slowly increasing the risk of injury in violence."
BBC - Alcohol fuels rise in assaults on over 50's
As someone who has reached their 50's (boo), looking at youngsters today, they do seem to be a lot less interested in alcohol than my brethren of the 1980s. Or at least that's my perception. Obviously not a bad thing, but maybe society has changed. Back in the day we were all smoking in the pub and particularly if you were in the military, alcohol was at the centre of any social occasion, leading to regular interventions from the boys in blue.
These days we are better informed health risk wise and the price of alcohol in a pub is eye watering, with most of us oldies drinking our £3.50 Morrisons Pinot Grigio or inhaling Gin at home.
Instead, today's youngsters appear to be digitally hooked, covered in tattoos and sober, whilst socialising is done online in a game
Maybe I am a dinosaur that enjoys a trip to the watering hole. But after a trip to Benidorm last year with some similarly aged dinosaurs, I'm not convinced about the over 50's assaulting each other if we are anything to go by. It's hard enough staying awake after 9pm
What do you think?