It's International Women's Day
Who has been the most influential woman in your life?
For most they say their mothers. Personally I would say my daughter. As I spend most of my time trying not to turn into my mother.
My daughter is such a character. She is 7, very probably on the autistic spectrum and bright as a button with most things.
She's so funny and individual. I sometimes do worry how she'll get on as she gets older as secondary school can be horrible if you're not a 'norm' but currently has lots of friends.
She reminds me of myself so much at times, it helps me understand her. Yet sometimes I have to remember she isn't me and needs the space to be herself.
I've empowered her to believe she can choose to pursue the career of her choice and that there's no reason being a woman should affect those choices.
She's also aware she can marry a woman, a man or no one at all when she grows up.
Already her childhood looks so different to mine, which was far more traditional as I was brought up religiously.
She's a powerhouse of emotion, energy and humour and I celebrate her today.
Who do you want to celebrate on International Women's Day?