One to be careful of if you use Paypal for business or personal use.
It’s a double scam. They use the genuine Paypal process and request payment as if you owe money, then in the invoice details, add scammy text, eg “Suspicious Transaction” to make you think it came from Paypal.
If you log in to your Paypal account, PayPal will tell you that you have an outstanding bill to be paid, and some people will, unfortunately, pay it
If you phone the number, it will no doubt transfer you to a premium rate number and you will be fleeced.
If it happens to you, just log in to the transaction and cancel it. Paypal doesn’t help and this is what makes the scam convincing as they are using Paypal's normal processes to make you think it needs to be paid.
I’ve given up reporting spam, scam or fraud, as the process is too convoluted.
But hopefully most people will see it as what it is, a scam, and cancel and ignore it.
If you have fallen for it and inadvertently paid a fake money request, try and get some help from Paypal, this is their disputes page: Disputes & LimitationsReport a problem