How to Improve Visitors???

By robertmuething
Published 10th August 2010 | Last comment 15th September 2011
Direct mail is personal. Even though it may be carried out on a large scale, carefully worded copy can seem to address the recipient directly. The mail piece also gets the recipient

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

Well, excuse me, lcon. That looks awfully familiar.

Glad you found it of value

lol, just saw your reply. Actually banned this monkey and deleted all his posts the other day when I was reading a response, and thought I recognize that, cheeky git had re-pasted one of my posts!

Suppose it makes a change from "good info"

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

cheeky git had re-pasted one of my posts!

He'd picked on the wrong one there, then. Good for you, Steve.

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

forum avatarsyamkolli
9th September 2011 2:49 PM
I would agree with Phil form Cloud Computers. You can generate vast quantiites of visitors using the internet, but word of mouth and recommendations will bring real business.

Before you start focusing your efforts and money on driving efforts, be sure that your website has strong conversion elements, is visually appealing, user friendly, etc, otherwise these visitors are just going to be wasted.


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