Neat SEO reporting tool for your website

By : Administrator
Published 23rd September 2010 |
Read latest comment - 2nd October 2010

I'll admit to being easily impressed, but I thought this was a nice little tool.

Website Analysis & Internet Marketing | WooRank

Less clunky than the usual SEO report generators, and gives you some good info.

As with all these tools, don't take it all as gospel, but can give you some pointers and flag obvious issues.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
thanks, that's a really useful tool (and free).

it even lists your html headings and tells you to just use one <H1> for best SEO, as well as checking links from social media sites. nice.

also gives a mark out of 100 so you can tweak a few things and see if you can improve your score.


I'll admit to being easily impressed,...

No comment.

Less clunky than the usual SEO report generators, and gives you some good info.

Information dubious. Though the usual things to check for is a handy reminder.

As with all these tools, don't take it all as gospel, but can give you some pointers and flag obvious issues.

If only. Just checked a few sites, and some have titles and meta tags but not reported as having.... have to agree with don't take it all as gospel

I dunno, all you web heads are grumpy cynics

For us lesser mortals, its a handy tool

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarchris_torkuk
23rd September 2010 5:47 PM
WooRank is a great tool, thank you!!!
I am always looking for things like this.

forum avatarFascination
30th September 2010 8:57 AM
Found this site great, and you can also check out your competitors

forum avatarmaxh
30th September 2010 3:21 PM

Would be good if it worked!

Traffic estimation off by over 100%

Had only 10% of our pages indexed

Backlinks off by a factor of 1000

Essentially half of the information is wrong, and half of the rest is inaccurate. But one quarter was right, to give it its dues..


Would be good if it worked!

Yup, but said I was easily impressed

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Thanks, it likes our new web site, lol

Mark Pitts

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