watch what people do on your web site

By : Growing Business
Published 9th October 2010 |
Read latest comment - 9th April 2012

I had a play around with the free version of this

Heatmaps, Visitor Movies, Web Analytics | Customer Experience Analytics by ClickTale

it plays back a video of what people do on your web site.

very impressed.



I tired a free version last week and could not get it to work with my wordpress even with a pluggin - support was terrible, eventually they said they would do it for me for $250!!!!


Would you pay $99 a month for it Tom?


I just added a few lines of javascript to a page and had it up and running in a few minutes.

you get 400 recorded page views per month for free so I'll just use that for now.

useful to see where people look on your pages and what they click etc



forum avatarhelenfairley
9th October 2010 7:17 PM
Umm, it sounds like a pretty cool thing, but aren't there some potential privacy issues?

Or does it simply show you a whole bunch of session ID's, page viewing times and clicks?

ClickTale plays back a video of the user session but if you look at the FAQ, I think they're pretty strict on privacy.

in our test, we just looked at our home page and saw, for example, that an anonymous user from Canada looked at the testimonials and then clicked on the Products page. that's all the information you get, but that's useful for us to see what users click on.



forum avatarbuild4fans
5th January 2012 12:50 PM
Regarding privacy issues, if the User ID is not recorded, just an unidentified session, then there shouldn't be any problem with it, I guess.

By the way, what do you guys consider an average conversion rate?

forum avatarpcannon
8th January 2012 1:49 AM
i think the google stats on how many pages and how long a person is on each are plenty of info. I don't feel the need to actually watch the pages they look at for the same length of time!

I agree, why use something (and pay for) else that tells you what your stats already tell you? I would say that may be useful on an interactive type of site to follow users around, but on your average website with typically static content, you will be none the wiser..and what is the end goal? After all, the only info you need is info that will enable you to make changes to respond to your web users in order to convert them. If you dont get that info, why bother?


9th April 2012 8:13 PM
thats really great stuff.
i'm using this techniques on all my sites, it really helps.

a free version of heatmaps and visitors movings are coming with "Yandex" counter.
sorry, cannot post the link, still have no 10 posts

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