Flat battery

By : Forum Member
Published 25th October 2010 |
Read latest comment - 26th October 2010

The wife rang earlier to say her car wouldn't start and the central locking wasn't working. Sounded like a problem with the immobiliser but as I am in the office there is not a lot I can do from here to assist. She had a neighbor look at it who diagnosed a flat battery as the cause.

No problem there... these things happen. The curious thing is that it was caused by an interior light being left on. I thought interior lights were turned off automatically when the ignition was turned off?

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No problem there... these things happen. The curious thing is that it was caused by an interior light being left on. I thought interior lights were turned off automatically when the ignition was turned off?

Nahh, I got caught out with this a few years ago. Some motors you can select the interior light to stay on... and it will..... mine did for about 4 days

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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we've been having the same problem recently, go on a job, in and out of the van getting gear out, leave the rear door open...... job done jump in van and dead as a dodo.
kind of embarassing when you've just done a fab job with brilliant results and you ask the client to give you a push.

Bought a new battery today, heavy duty

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