google local question

By : Growing Business
Published 19th January 2011 |
Read latest comment - 5th November 2012

I am listed my site in google local but I am not getting visits through this.Is there anything wrong? Could anyone explain me about the reason? I hope any one of you suggest me to increase visitors of my site.

Hi John, moved your question to its own thread.

You need to market your google places listing, just like any other website/page.

Try and get customers to leave reviews, make sure the places listing is 100% filled in, and get a few local listings on relevant directories.

theres a new member here that specialises in optimising places listing, and here is a good thread covering the same issue.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

IT is possible Your google local listing not performing well on his related keyword ranking. That's will be the reason you are not receiving traffic from your local listing.


forum avatarkiranraj
21st July 2011 10:54 AM
Submit local classified ads for getting local visitors for your website


forum avatarDragonFD
20th September 2011 3:40 PM
Did the last post mean classified ads on google? Can you do that?

Did the last post mean classified ads on google? Can you do that?

I'm assuming he means adwords, and not sure of the relevance to google places.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarflokwire
18th October 2011 10:22 PM
I am listed my site in google local but I am not getting visits through this.Is there anything wrong? Could anyone explain me about the reason? I hope any one of you suggest me to increase visitors of my site.

Hi John, login to your google local business account and check the stats, you should at least be getting impressions and customers don't need to come to your site to get your phone number, also reviews help get you higher listed on places

Submit local classified ads for getting local visitors for your website

Unsure of this particular point. But it is very important to be listed in the various local directories such as Thomsonlocal etc. Many of these listings do not include a link to your website but that is irrelevant as these directories are actually a means of cross-referencing by Google.
If Google sees your company listed in the same format with the same address and phone number - then it assumes the details are true/valid and hence your rankings can improve.


forum avatarwilliam04
4th July 2012 7:46 AM
I think you should use social media optimization such as face book fan page, twitter followers, linked in groups, Google plus business page which will help to generate traffic for website.Along with submitting your site in relevant directories.


I think you should use social media optimization such as face book fan page, twitter followers, linked in groups, Google plus business page which will help to generate traffic for website.Along with submitting your site in relevant directories.

How is that relevant to Google places?


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