Meta Tags dos & don'ts - is google using the keyword tag again?

By : Administrator
Published 4th March 2011 |
Read latest comment - 16th March 2011

Interesting quote from this Meta tags article:

"DO ensure your site has META title, description, and keyword tags. It's generally accepted that Google hasn't used the keyword tag for years, but recent observations suggest they may be using them again. Other search engines, however, do use them, as well as various social networks."
META Tag Dos and Don
Now at present Google are going with content then how we can say it's giving more priority to meta tags.


Google will alway's change, it well happen one day where there is simply nothing left to change so the process will just keep repeating itself over and over again.

This will ensure people keep fresh new content on the go and ensure they look after the back end like Meta


forum avatarhillaryjohnson
4th March 2011 1:52 PM
Yes Meta Tags; Title and Description are imp tags. But as far as Keywords Meta tag is concern, Google gives no or minimal priority to it. You can check this as well: Google doesn’t use the keywords meta tag in web search

It doesn't at the moment but it probally will within the future, not putting them in is just lazy!


forum avatarGuest
5th March 2011 9:38 AM
to be honest I have continued to use it - never stopped!

If it's there use it. It's not as if it takes an age to utilise/complete this tag when you are using the others as you have already done the keyword research for the ones you need to complete!

It's always good to do some of the old stuff as it does help with some directories etc, It only takes a few minutes so why not


forum avatarJune8
9th March 2011 11:21 AM
Hey Googlle is not giving any specia value to Meta's but still meta's Help in Ranking.......

Hey Googlle is not giving any specia value to Meta's but still meta's Help in Ranking.......

Can you explain that statement?

Steve Richardson
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forum avatarjohnparkes
9th March 2011 4:35 PM
Many people think meta tag optimization is largely a waste of time because they think search engines don't take any notice of them. Webmasters should use them properly with unique and relevant information on every page of their website.

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