Best Way to get clients

By Kevin.Wiles : Forum Member
Published 14th March 2011 | Last comment 15th September 2012
As for our outsourcing and offshoring services offers, the most effective way for us to get clients is to become consistent in our online activities such as posting forums on business forum websites (of course with same interests), social media, and publishing quality and original contents.


We try to 'win' new business off old clients - if that makes sense

So, we set out on each project with customer satisfaction in mind, aiming to fulfil what we said we would do, on time and within budget. Then, hopefully, that client will recommend us and we pick up some additional business.

I don't believe its too much of a strategy, just good practice.

We also contact businesses direct, with a good success rate based on them then contacting existent or past clients for references. Again, this comes back to the first point - creating customer satisfaction.

Paul Myers

We try to 'win' new business off old clients - if that makes sense

Perfect sense, business 101

Read some marketing propaganda ages ago that broke down all the stats and costs for customer acquisition, but long story short... it's a lot cheaper to up sell to current clients, than to continually keep chasing brand new ones.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarmygpcloud
10th September 2012 1:46 PM
Social networking is an excellent way to get clients. If you are running local sales and marketing campaigns, getting your company set up in Google Places. It will help your business stand out locally.


I think communication is the best way to get new clients, it doesn't matter that what source you are using. Good luck.

Marry martin

Before you do anything you have to know who your clients are. Who/what are you targeting? Narrow it down to a niche market and be specific.

Use both online and offline marketing methods. Test them all to see which of them work and then focus on the methods that work the best.

When you have clients ask for referrals and sell additional services to your customer base.


I have to agree with what Steve and Paul said. it is a lot easier to sell something to an existing client. They already know the kind of service you provide, and will also be a good way to spread the word. If they like what they get, they will recommend it to others. Its the best way I can think of to get new clients.


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