Breakfast Networking Events - useful or waste of time?

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 11th April 2011 | Last comment 1st September 2011
Well I went to one in Wolverhampton before Xmas it was OK but I didn't feel that they had enough members to warrant a joining fee and making the effort to attend regularly.

I guess if you were an accountant or other more general business service provider it could be a winner. Fees seemed a bit steep also.

Great people though - could be a nice social thing for the diary except I have 2 little ones to keep me occupied at all times of day and night!


forum avatarWaspit_Jake
20th June 2011 1:58 PM
Breakfast networking can work. But, in saying this, if it's cold and wet, no one's going to get out of bed. If it's too early, people will be lazy. If there's no free refreshments, no one will bother. It sounds silly, but these small factors really matter to people. Summertime breakfast networking with coffee and tea provided at a reasonable hour is nice - everyone is fresh-faced and happy!

forum avatarBusiness Minds
1st September 2011 10:58 AM
I have actually been to Breakfast Networking meet twice and i must say it is fun. Except the fact that you have to wake up early and there might be few people whom you might not like, the session is good.
I actually met amazing people who gave me very good tips for my business and trust me i still am in touch with them.
I guess anything that might be beneficial for work, you must try it out. If it doesn't work out for you, then do not worry, at least you tried it.

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