Best Social Media Submission Site???

By gracemartin
Published 12th April 2011 | Last comment 29th June 2012
forum avatarbracewellenterprise
25th May 2011 6:08 AM
Hello, Everybody

I have One Question? Which one is Best Social Media Submission Site Site Like - Digg, Stumbleupon, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Myface. Please Give me your Good Suggestion. I am waiting for your Good Reply.


The answer to this question is greatly affected on the need for the submission.

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN are my favorites when social submission is concerned. They are the top sites being visited by million of fans worldwide.

forum avatarivopar
31st May 2011 9:04 AM
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Digg

This is one of those threads which could go on and on, it really depends on what you want to achieve there are some sites which are more niche than others and some which work for some countries only.

Yes, this is something more dependent upon your product type, targeted audience, and strategy. Digg, Facebook, LinkdIn, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Youtube, they currently are the ruling medias, Each one of these carries some distinctive features, have their own plus points if the marketing campaign and the things are operated technically, wisely and timely.

Bliss Felton

forum avatartexas
7th June 2011 7:07 AM
All social media sites are very important for marketing techniques, nowdays facebook & twitter more useful to peoples.

Linkedin is my favourite as its the most professional of all of them.
Digg - is good
reddit is kind of nice also

Twitter/facebook are too overdone for me.


forum avatarfurniture4kids
1st August 2011 1:55 PM
in my opinion Digg would the best site for online submission

in my opinion Digg would the best site for online submission

Why is this, have you seen better results in your experience? Can you give any examples versus any other submission sites?

Always useful to hear of other peoples experiences.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarlily
4th August 2011 5:05 PM
Hello, Everybody

I have One Question? Which one is Best Social Media Submission Site Site Like - Digg, Stumbleupon, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Myface. Please Give me your Good Suggestion. I am waiting for your Good Reply.


In my opinion these three are the best sites for Social Media Submission.
1- Digg
2- Squidoo
3- Facebook

forum avatarBusiness Minds
3rd September 2011 9:36 AM
I guess it is in best interest if you post it on these 3 social networking sites: -


But again these are dependent on various things, like it depends on whether you business would need that social media interaction or not. It also depends on whether it might be useful or not.

For me there were three:

3.Google Plus

Interesting to see the first mention of Google Plus...

Not sure if I'd see it as one of the best Social sites yet, no doubt it will grow rapidly once the beta phase ends...then I suppose it will become part of the standard social landscape.

But if people are getting results already, then fair enough

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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