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Backlink is Reduced

Published 19th May 2011 |
Read latest comment - 20th July 2011


I'm regularly check my backlinks "" or "backlink watch". In my problem in this two sites gave two different backlinks(100 more or less)
which one is true.. please help me

forum avatarAftermath
19th May 2011 9:46 PM
You should use some more reputable sources like Google webmaster tools or SEOmoz.

You should use some more reputable sources like Google webmaster tools or SEOmoz.

Agreed, personally just use Google webmaster tools and yahoo site explorer.

...and welcome aboard Aftermath

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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It is not necessary all the tool show you the same number of back link. I trust only in Google Backlink.


forum avatareonic
26th May 2011 4:54 PM
It is not necessary all the tool show you the same number of back link. I trust only in Google Backlink.

Google doesnt show them all - Yahoo site explorer is good

forum avatarkiranraj
20th July 2011 12:58 PM
Check your backlinks from the webmaster tool


I agree Yahoo has more data than Google.

Google tends to just show samples of data as with their link: command.


forum avatar9to5ERP
20th July 2011 4:01 PM

There are lots out there.

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