Beginners Guide to SEO

By : Entrepreneur
Published 31st December 2009 |
Read latest comment - 2nd March 2010

I found this intersting and of use. it was notice to be able to read an SEO article without them blatantly trying to upsell you.

Beginners Guide to SEO - Part 1 | Scamper Brand Design Agency UK

pretty good, covers all the basics.

They are based in Kenilworth just up the road. Nice portfolio, but always suspicious of web devs that use a wp theme for their own site. Is it me or does a wordpress site have an instantly reconisable look.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Wordpress sites do have that look but they are a great CMS System and also are loved by search engines.

There are 100's of reasons why people run a site on Wordpress.

There is a great post on UK Business Forums which contains a 101 list for your website. I also have made a post about the top 10 seo tips.


forum avatarbiz-angel
5th February 2010 11:29 PM
Wordpress sites do have that look but they are a great CMS System and also are loved by search engines.

There are 100's of reasons why people run a site on Wordpress.

very true, but agrre with Steve, its lazy web design, if your a developer, unless of course you're a wordpress theme shop.

How about part 2 of the SEO beginners guide?


Would it actually not be better to have all headings as H1. And the paragraph as normal?
Why is it necessary to include H2?

Another thing is I have been looking through the websites of my competitors in the area whos content is far smaller than mine, but their link appears on the 1rst page in Google search


forum avatarKip FX Design
1st March 2010 2:24 PM
The wordpress sites are not always recognisable, with a decent smattering of CSS and plugins you get something that is wonderful and sexy, here is one I prepared earlier!
Stunning Wordpress based site

Oh and everytime you post a new item, this on automatically pings around 30 different sites! For example, an item that went up just the other day, can be found very high on Google UK 'Glass Text effect'

Wordpress is the way forward!

forum avatargrh395
2nd March 2010 8:25 PM
The wordpress sites are not always recognisable, with a decent smattering of CSS and plugins you get something that is wonderful and sexy, here is one I prepared earlier!
Stunning Wordpress based site

Oh and everytime you post a new item, this on automatically pings around 30 different sites! For example, an item that went up just the other day, can be found very high on Google UK 'Glass Text effect'

Wordpress is the way forward!

Yes Wordpress is the new thing. And the one you made earlier is an impressive site I think and sadly I have no skills in that area at all. I am interested to know what you mean by it automatically pings 30 other sites. How do you get it to do that and why does it effect how Google treats it? I'm interested.

forum avatarKip FX Design
2nd March 2010 9:10 PM
I have a list of blog ping sites nestled in Wordpress, so everytime a new blog is posted, my WP informs them (Pings) and hustles along the indexing of them!

Wordpress!! Prob have kids doing a GCSE in it now!

Still reckon your a bunch of cheats and should be sat there coding with Vi by torchlight under your duvet

As opposed to me using frontpage on my W98 machine

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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