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Two Drunks (joke)

Published 2nd June 2011 |
Read latest comment - 23rd August 2011

Two drunks are sitting at a table,one says if i went to your house and gave your wife one and she got pregnant would that make us related ? the other guy thinks for a while and says no,but it would make us even.
forum avatarchristophgoulds
21st July 2011 9:35 AM
I liked it!

I heard a terrible one yesterday, and apologies to any redheads out there for this one (I have a red beard so it's kind of alright for me to write this one up I think).

What do you call a woman on a ginger mans arm?

A tattoo.

Meh. Wasn't that good on reflection.

I liked it!

I heard a terrible one yesterday, and apologies to any redheads out there for this one (I have a red beard so it's kind of alright for me to write this one up I think).

What do you call a woman on a ginger mans arm?

A tattoo.

Meh. Wasn't that good on reflection.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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LOL I suppose we (redheads) kinda deserve that for all the blonde jokes we toss about.


forum avatarshtstywatermeter
22nd July 2011 9:36 AM
It is pretty funny and interesting! thanks for your sharing!

Made me smile!


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