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twitter good for SEO?

Published 8th January 2010 |
Read latest comment - 27th March 2012

Do the links from twitter mean i get any good SEO value. I see traffic but not sure with links.
forum avatarbiz-angel
8th January 2010 12:08 PM
As far as I'm aware, Twitter links are no-follow so you will get minimal to no SEO benefits. Twitter is really a traffic generator and marketing tool.

Welcome aboard Iriad

I suppose you could argue there is indirect benefit, as you may generate backlinks, after someone has followed a tweet back to your site?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I am with Steve on this one twitter is very good at keeping your brand visible.
when I have a slow day on the forum I can output a couple of content related tweets and I can generate 50-100 hits in minutes.


forum avatarKip FX Design
11th January 2010 7:06 AM
Twitter has turned my business around, seriously, 2009 seen a steady stream of business but nowhere near where it needed to be, since hammering Twitter I have seen twice the traffic I normally see, with 24.92% of traffic coming from Twitter!

forum avataririad
13th January 2010 11:30 AM
25% of traffic from twitter is very good. You must have many good people who like listen to you

thankyou for the help

Twitter can play a huge part in making your website make or break online.

Twitter can be used with Wordpress to update everytime you make a post which if you are using a blog is perfect.

Although it has a no follow on the links it can still have a huge benifit and will play a huge part in 2010 for online marketing.


forum avatarbiz-angel
5th February 2010 11:37 PM
Twitter can play a huge part in making your website make or break online.

Twitter can be used with Wordpress to update everytime you make a post which if you are using a blog is perfect.

ahhh, but a lot of people are overdoing this. displaying meaningless tweets on your site is not a substitute for good old fashioned content, which is what a lot of people forget.

The basic rules are unchanged, have a quality resource, and traffic will come to you. Having interesting fresh content, then gives you something to tweet about.

90% of blogs are either out of date or full of gimicky auto content scrapers, because no one wants to write content any more

I agree but what if you run a blog and update it 10 times a day? Twitter ap will then post them on Twitter allowing you to get unlimuted traffic and link backs.


forum avatarKip FX Design
7th February 2010 4:09 PM
ahhh, but a lot of people are overdoing this. displaying meaningless tweets on your site is not a substitute for good old fashioned content, which is what a lot of people forget.

The basic rules are unchanged, have a quality resource, and traffic will come to you. Having interesting fresh content, then gives you something to tweet about.

90% of blogs are either out of date or full of gimicky auto content scrapers, because no one wants to write content any more

How very true, people load up their API's with random quotes and links to old posts, if the blog is receiving regular content then that would work, but just how many people actually keep it up!

Blogs are great for content rich, SEO purposes, but they get forgetton way too much.

If you keep your twitter both personal and business like, it works just fine

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