Google Places reviews dissapeared

By : Forum Member
Published 6th July 2011 |
Read latest comment - 13th November 2011

I had 34 reviews in Google Places just yesterday still.
Today there are only 19 of them.
Where has the rest gone?

Sorry I hate to copy and paste stuff. But I found this answer in google places forum and found it useful. Hopefully it explains what you are after.

This has occurred several times over the past several years and inevitably the reviews will return. It takes time.

Google has been doing a great deal of updating of late, new features, etc etc.

Google never looses information but they do tend to misplace it on occasion. In the past, the reviews became "disassociated" from the "cluster" of information about a given business but if the business hasn't changed critical information in their Google listing like phone number or business name, they usally are reunited with the business listing over time (2,4,6, or even 8 weeks).

I know this is not much consolation and it is annoying but in the past, these reviews, after having gone missing, have all returned sooner or later.



Sorry I hate to copy and paste stuff. But I found this answer in google places forum and found it useful. Hopefully it explains what you are after.


Nothing wrong with copy and pasting when its useful info like this

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Some of my reviews have vanished, but at the momment I haven't the time to re-write them


Well I thought I'd just check our google places listing, and low and behold some of our reviews have disappeared!

C'mon Mr Google what are you playing at?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Well I had my own wikipedia page - I was very proud of it - but then someone arranged its deletion. So I know how you feel!


It looks like we have the answer to the disappearing reviews from Google Places.

Google has been revamping the Places pages over the last month, changing the layout, and the format of how reviews are shown.

Traditionally they showed all reviews pulled from different sites, but now Google being Google has pushed 3rd party reviews to the bottom of the page, whilst promoting their own review system.

It looks like anti trust legalese stuff from the States from big sites like Yelp and Trip Adviser that seem to have triggered this, plus no doubt changing the format so it works better in Google+

At least it explains why reviews have been jumping all over the place, but things should now start to settle down.

The official Google post about it is below:
Google LatLong: The Ongoing Evolution of Place Pages

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

My position in Google maps was at the top of results (A) for about a year with 35 reviews.

Now, there are only 25 reviews out of 35 and my position dropped down to (I) on the 3rd page of results.

What should explain that?


Some more info here from Google

Stephan S from Google:
My reviews are missing!!! It took me months to get them and all of a sudden EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM are gone. - Google Places for business Help

Vanessa from Google:
Reports of missing reviews on Place pages - Google Places for business Help


Nice one Lina, good update, especially the second link.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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