Best purchase: What have you bought that you cannot live without!?

By RussFarrell
Published 12th July 2011 | Last comment 24th October 2011
Why would you feel that though? Some say that some cars drive differently. And if I had to look at Jeremy and the gang from top gear, I would believe it. Maybe it was the handling or steering? lol (Forgive the stupid Q though, I'm not that mechanically inclined).

Not bored yet I watch top gear here religiously, and not just because of their antics.

They are 2 totally different cars, the Laguna is a family 5 seater car, softer seats & suspension plus it sits on the motorway at 80+mph with my cruise control on. Very little effort is required to drive it. The MG has very stiff suspension so i felt every bump & divot on the motorway and isnt designed for cruising on the motorway, dont get me wrong i love the MG and its great fun on open roads with the roof down but wont rush to take it on the motorway again for that kind of distance anyway.


Aah. I had a car like that. You could literally feel the road beneath you, and in the area I live in, the roads are either really bad and full of potholes, or dirt roads. (I'm quite a way out of town).

A lot of people around here have more than one car though. One for everyday, and one to go out on Sunday drives with. That MG is gorgeous though. (sigh) I would find reasons to go driving in it. Even if it wasn't Sunday


Cars. My favourite discussion. I love the MG and always have but I've only owned a midget. I moved on to an MX5 because my wife wouldn't drive the mG. She couldn't get used to the old steering or braking system. The 5 was the closest modern vehicle that I could find to an old English sports car.

That's gone as well now though and I have an old MR2. I like the fact that it only has 2 seats. It gives me an excuse to leave the kids behind.


Cars. My favourite discussion. I love the MG and always have but I've only owned a midget.

My mate had a midget years a go, he used to describe going into corners as having the handling of a house brick with no brakes, but absolutely loved it.

Not really into this 2 seats and bum dragging along the road malarky, think I'll stick with my old trusty non eco friendly Nissan Patrol and look down on the world, being 5 ft **** all, it's the only chance I get

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarVideo Inventory Agency
18th August 2011 4:12 PM
My girlfriend! Please don't take this the wrong way as I did not 'buy' her.

She really enjoys paperwork, invoicing, accounts etc and is an absolute hawk when payments are late or we need to pay. What would I do without her??

Probably go back into corporate life where I get told what to do...

With being on the road everyday I think my iPhone/tomtom set up has paid for its self compared to the stopping and starting of map reading

I love gadgets! At the moment my favorite is my iPad2!


I would probably have to say my sat nav. I have terrible sense of direction and would be forever getting lost without it :-) plus, i'm a pretty useless map reader too.


forum avatarGuest
17th October 2011 12:25 PM
My favourites I couldn't live without are my iPhone and iPad, love them!

Oh and I'm LOVING my super kingsize bed. Once you have a super kingsize bed, you will never go back to a smaller one!

Oh and I'm LOVING my super kingsize bed. Once you have a super kingsize bed, you will never go back to a smaller one!

Wahey, now this threads getting interesting

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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