34000 Police jobs to be axed

By : Forum Member
Published 21st July 2011 |
Read latest comment - 14th August 2011

What a sad story this is - 34,000 police jobs to be scrapped - *UK News - MSN News UK

16000 + actual Police officers will be axed between now & 2015

After only recently using my local force, 6 officers responded so well and within minutes to my 999 call when someone tried breaking in to my house, I wonder how many officers would turn up next time and how long it will take if the numbers of Police are reduced,- i obviously never really want to find out but does make you worry just thinking about 16000 less Police officers about!

Do we really need so many police officers? Pop down to Belgravia Square anytime during the week, there's at least 60-80 of them just standing around or sleeping in vans. Now if a burglary was to happen on the Broadwater farm estate in Tottenham, you'll be lucky to even get a visit by a PCSO... Still we're all in it together. So if they have to be culled so be it. And the one that gave me 3 penalty points for speeding, I'll certainly have no sympathy for


And the one that gave me 3 penalty points for speeding, I'll certainly have no sympathy for

So wondered where all the coppers had gone, you London folk have grabbed them all!

We've even got PCSO's driving round in police cars by themselves! I'm no expert, but I didn't think they could do that, and I didn't think they have any actual police powers?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

It's true steve, one of my Police colleagues told me yesterday that he and a few others were drafted in to the London area. He said when they arrived, jumped out of the van the southern softies simply "ran away". I guess they were not sure about taking on a bunch of "cod-heads", only trouble was my friend (and his mates) were a little too large around the middle to catch em..

Discount Ink and Toner

Ray Priestley

Well in my area I've never once seen a copper on the beat and I've lived here for 10 years. So I can't see its going to make that much difference.

The occasional one is seen around the town centre but that is about it


As it happens we got burgled Friday night / Saturday morning. Tried to break in to the garage door, handle snapped in his/her hand, decided to enter via the rear garden. The back door of the garage was left wide open by yours truly, there must be around


...only trouble was my friend (and his mates) were a little too large around the middle to catch em..

lol priceless! It's looks like we got all our copper back and some reinforcements this weekend. It's the annual Bulldog Bash where Hells Angels across the country descend on poor old Stratford. I've never seen such a heavy Police presence for the event, obviously must have been considered a possible flash point.

Is funny though, I didn't see a biker under the age of 50, wonder if they have recruiting problems? Should be able to scale down the police presence to a traffic warden and age concern in a few years time

As it happens we got burgled Friday night / Saturday morning.

Makes your blood boil! Sounds like you were lucky though.

One I've heard of in Birmingham is the little toe rags turn you over, give you 3 months to get your insurance payout and new kit, then they hit you again

Hmm, maybe it's time to bring back

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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