The speaking clock..

By mrb : Forum Member
Published 22nd July 2011 | Last comment 29th December 2011
forum avatarmaterials
9th December 2011 7:52 AM
I have a speaking clock in my room and a gospel voice comes out telling the time.

Interesting. I didn't know we can dial a number to check out time. Or maybe someday it will tell us date and what day is today.

Maybe there's a business opportunity!!

It is a great number and amazing..too...


forum avatarGuest
13th December 2011 4:06 PM
Google tells the time also!

The thing is with that, if you're on Google it's 99% likely you'll be on an electronic device such as computer, laptop or phone with the time already input.. i can hardly see that being useful, especially since you need the internet to get google and once a pc is hooked up with the internet it updates the time and date (mine have, not sure about older ones.)

But I guess it just had to be done.

Edit; On Topic! It's useful sometimes!! 31p is a bit expensive though, not happy about that.
I remember once someone had called it on a school friends phone and put it back in his bag until the call died out - ouch did he have a huge bill!

Do they change the person who does the voice on that service, like once a year? Just pondering.

Accounting Help

Do they change the person who does the voice on that service, like once a year? Just pondering.

Not every year and if you're still pondering the details are here

forum avatarmonica
15th December 2011 11:16 AM
i never dialed any number to know the time. its interesting people find business from anywhere.

wow that is a lot of calls and a LOT of money!! I remember when I used to work in a department store when I was at uni, there was no clocks around and we didn't wear watches. We used to dial the speaking clock all the time to see how long was left til we finished! Until our manager found out and went crazy at the bill.


it's a amazing. I got a speaking clock which does some angelus and a few prayers in a formatted time o.o


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