Google Author - showcase your content round the web

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 16th August 2011 | Last comment 10th August 2012
Now that's the truth, or are you manipulating me?

Being an SEO I've never manipulated anything...

Paul Myers

Done some trawling around different SEO forums and threads, and without finding any concrete proof, the consensus seems to be that Google has been rolling out rich snippet algorithms from May time (2012), and review stars (hreview markup) disappeared from home pages around June time. Coincidently around the time Google dumped the old Places listings into Google local, and redesigned their own review engine... hmmm...

Rich snippet stars are alive and well on other pages, they just seem to have culled them on home pages, no doubt to abuse

Shame because it looked great, worked well and the reviews were genuine... Unlike some of the site's I've seen with 2500+ 5 star reviews, which you can't see!

So have now replaced our homepage stars with the author tag. No doubt this will be culled shortly...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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