Why would you lie?

By Dreamraven : Forum Moderator
Published 26th August 2011 | Last comment 7th December 2011
My opinion - they are LAZY!!

Riding off other peoples hard work and effort is easy. I sometimes wish I had no conscience! It would make my life easier

It would make everything infinitely better, but it would not have much of an impact in regards to how people think of us or respect / disrespect us. And IMHO I think its because of that that we don't do what everyone else does.


Some people crave the attention that impressing somebody else gives you. But they can't impress someone off their own merits then they steal someone elses work in order to get that attention. Sad, sad lives .


That I can also understand. But then, instead of constantly taking someone else's work, and 90% of the time, make money from it, and not learn how to do it themselves?

Art seems to be one of the biggest problem areas as well as writing, and both are relatively easy to learn if you're willing to put the time in. I dedicated 7 years, and I'm still learning everyday, and I love it. I just can't see why someone else can't do the same.


Lazyness I suppose, I don't know..I don't understand how these people minds works thumbsdown


Or, wanting to be famous with the least amount of effort. They just don't realize how long it takes a writer or artists to perfect their work before letting the world see it.


As an honest plumber, I would never lie ha ha


Best way to go.


forum avatar876800
25th October 2011 4:29 AM
You can't control it

I think you can, to a certain extent. Some just choose not to listen to that little voice that says "this will all end in tears if you do". lol


I read an article a couple of weeks ago that it is human nature to lie/exaggerate the truth - LORKS!

If i come across it, I'll share


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