Obama to break up banks

By : Entrepreneur
Published 22nd January 2010 |
Read latest comment - 22nd January 2010

European banking shares have dropped following President Barack Obama's far-reaching plans to curb the activities of the biggest banks in the US.

BBC - Peston's Picks: Obama to break up banks

So I have been reading pestons pick's this morning about Obama proposing to split the investment banks from the retail banks in the US.

I dont have a a problem with this as I see the intrisic link between using depositors money to make risky investments is a problem.

What I do have a problem with are the amount of people crying wolf over the banks collapse.

We as a consumer based society need to take some responsibility, if the banks had no markets to make the profit then this would not have happened or at the least would not have been as bad.

In my head it equates very easily do you have a mortgage or loan that was key to buying something that was an emotional decision rather then a logical decision. if so then stand up and be counted the banks offered the cheap credit and you took it end of.

What do people think will happen if the banks in the uk are broken up in this manner and the profit margins on retail banking drop.

Here is my opion of that. All the risky loans will be pulled over night and the AER will soar regardless of the BOE rate, leaving most of the uk HOUSEHOLDS with a financial hangover that a full english and a aspirin wont fix.

Rantometer is on full tilt today

Putting a limit on the size of banks goes against the grain of our political and economic system. Whats next, break up Microsoft or maybe Google because they have become too powerful?

The issue with the banks was greed. This fuelled the credit frenzy that everyone got caught up in. Senior management responsible for letting their respective banks getting caught up in this are the ones that should be held accountable.

I agree with Obamas view that Banks should be stopped from huge speculative risks that the tax payer has to carry the can, but any future Banking CEO who authorises or considers going down this route in persuit of high risk high profits, should then be accountable when the bank collapses. There has to be some serious checks and balances put in place, a brakeman to curb the over zealous bankers speculation.

I dont see why tax payers money should be used again as a safety net. If RBS or Bank of America goes pop in the future, then tough. The problem this time was it was so incestious, the banks were propping up each others debt to the point of collapse.

The average Joe in the street needs to consider carefully where to bank their money. Credit is a cornerstone of our system, like it or loathe it. Maybe though some hard lessons have been learned, but I suspect not.

If the indvidual lives outside of their means, then it will end up in tears, and its indviduals responsibility to budget and manage credit. Nothing wrong with a few shiny things, just throw in a bit of common sense

Lets hope we dont see the banks living outside of their means in the future.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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