Anyone using Klout?

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 28th October 2011 | Last comment 8th February 2012
...I tried giving it a klout but that didnt work either


I think it's one of those vanity sites. You can look at your score and admire how well your doing in this social networking tangled web of waffle, but it doesn't actually do or give you anything.

Check back from time to time, watch your score rise, have a virtual pat on the back and then go and do some work

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Indirectly via Hoot suite I discovered my Klout is 28, whatever that means.. My Klout.. sounds rude, I definately would feel a little uncomfortable asking a lady about her Klout rating..

Paul Green

Was put off by Klout home screen for some reason, seemed to hurt the eye. Might just be from sitting in front a computer screen all day.

Looks like a fun piece of software but not sure if we can be asked to use it. Does anyone know how it even measures your Klout? Guessing its on how many likes, mentions and other things like that.

Accounting Help

Does anyone know how it even measures your Klout? Guessing its on how many likes, mentions and other things like that.

According to their blurb..

"Klout measures influence online using data from your social networks. Anywhere you have an online presence, you have the opportunity to influence people by creating or sharing content that inspires actions such as likes, retweets, comments and more. The more engagement your posts receive, the more influential you are. Klout uses this information to provide you a Klout Score that measures your overall influence."
Klout | The Standard for Influence

I just see it as a bit of fun, and don't take any of it seriously. Most of the people with a higher Klout score than me aren't even members of Klout!

As a network though, it gets some serious traffic... No doubt everyones details will be sold to some faceless corporation, or it will float for $50 Zillion and be worth tuppence hapenny 5 years later

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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