Twitter is evolving

By : Growing Business
Published 29th October 2011 |
Read latest comment - 7th December 2011

Twitter is about to launch new Tab/feature called "Activity" for all its members. By clicking on this we will see what our "Following" are doing on Twitter. Right now, it is only available to fewer Twitter members.

forum avatarGuest
1st November 2011 3:49 PM
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I've started using Twitter every day for my business, it's quite addictive

Interesting, thanks for sharing. I've started using Twitter every day for my business, it's quite addictive

Totally agree - just need some more hours in the day!

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

I think over the coming months you wil see both Twitter & Facebook evolve to try and out run each other as well as trying to take on Google+


forum avatarJacob
7th December 2011 9:53 AM
Twitter is about to launch new Tab/feature called "Activity" for all its members. By clicking on this we will see what our "Following" are doing on Twitter. Right now, it is only available to fewer Twitter members.

I have the activity button. I thought everybody had it. I wasn't all that mad on it at first. I am so used to how it used to work it threw me a bit. It gets rid of the old mention button. The mentions are now in there you have to hunt just a little bit harder. However it does give new insight into what your followers are doing and opens up fresh gateways for networking


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