Google Plus for Business!

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 8th November 2011 | Last comment 30th April 2012
Google+, it's happening - all we can do is abide for now and observe...

I do think it's worth the while but there are different directions that it can go.


What exactly do you mean by "it's happening"? Google+ doesn't seem to be gaining too much ground, or if it is it's not very noticeable. Of course, that's comparing it to Facebook which has had a lot of years to establish and stabilize.


What exactly do you mean by "it's happening"? Google+ doesn't seem to be gaining too much ground, or if it is it's not very noticeable. Of course, that's comparing it to Facebook which has had a lot of years to establish and stabilize.

What I meant here is that search results are now really being influenced by Google+. And we can only abide and go with the flow as Google still has the largest search volume share.


What I meant here is that search results are now really being influenced by Google+. And we can only abide and go with the flow as Google still has the largest search volume share.

From a business perspective, I tend to agree. Like it or loathe it, as long as the world uses Google as a search tool, then Google+ will continue to gain ground, or at least for business users and marketeers.

I think FB is pretty much entrenched with the non business and social side, ie friends, checking on old colleagues etc, which I doubt Google will ever topple.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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