RBS boss gets

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 27th January 2012 | Last comment 8th February 2012
There was an interesting story on the front page of The TImes today concerning a number of international bankers who had mixed feelings about investing in The City because of the banker bashing that has been going on recently.

I am surprised and appalled at the way the government treated Stephen Hester when they should have been standing up and protecting him.


I understand both opinions here, but I think that people can take it to far and forget that there is a person at the centre of this mess. He's not super human or a saint, he's just a man. If if was you, would you seriously turn down the money/ shares.

Remember he has put in the work and dramatically changed the fortunes of the bank. Should he receive no credit for his work.

My last point is that society as a whole doesn't seem to want to take any responsibility for the economic crisis, each of us contributed in one way or another. Where it was taking advantage of the credit cards being thrown your way, or whether you decided to by a house at 125% LTV.


If if was you, would you seriously turn down the money/ shares.

I'm not him, I'm not a politician either.

I don't know but I'd imagine that it would seem like sour grapes if someone is pressured into dropping bonuses earned by the same group of people that put into place the workings of a profitable economy for the good of the country ^Those people^ (almost every politician in the land) who were involved in the expenses scandals that swept the country -

It's all smoke and mirrors from Cameron/Clegg pouring out mendacity in one hand while attempting to dress it up as a forthrightness for the country with the other.

Reminds me of when Meryl Streep was in charge.

Paul Green

...Reminds me of when Meryl Streep was in charge.


Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Reminds me of when Meryl Streep was in charge.

LOL. Stephen Hester should be left to get on with his job now. Seems like some of the recent events have been having a affect on his outlike as he said that he briefly consider quiting:

BBC News - RBS boss Stephen Hester 'considered resigning'

Also read in City A.M. that he sent a email to ever member of staff to rally the troops in light of the recent media coverage surrounding RBS.

Accounting Help

There was a pundit on the news tonight who made a great point. Now he's turned his bonus down, they'd better hope after all the media hysteria and the immense pressure he must be under job wise, he just doesn't turn round and say stick your job

Seems like some of the recent events have been having a affect on his outlike as he said that he briefly consider quitting:

Looks like that pundit was right on the money! What a mess RBS would have been in if he had said stick your job!

I just hope this witch hunting media hysteria dies down before we end up as an economic backwater, and all the big corporations shut up shop and move to Cambodia

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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