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New Online Marketing Methosa

Published 31st January 2012 |
Read latest comment - 21st February 2012

I am currently managing a deal site.

We have all the usual marketing tools set up, google adwords, facebook pages, twitter, business listings, forum discussions. But want i really want is new, think outside of the box marketing methods to get the numbers hitting the site, the site looks great and getting companies on board with us is easy. We need those numbers!

Please any and all ideas are welcome and I look forward to hearing them.
Ipad 2 competition


forum avatargetmydealuk
31st January 2012 5:59 PM
Though having a competition is a good idea, just having a page describing how you can win something still needs to be marketed, traffic on the site is traffic, whether its landing on the home page or a competition page.

We need those numbers!

Please any and all ideas are welcome and I look forward to hearing them.

Hi there. We currently have a partner relationship with a deal site, and what works well for them is good old fashioned newsletter runs. As long as there is a decent enough kickback, then everyone's happy, so maybe go and approach some high volume traffic sites.

You're in a crowded market (know that feeling well!). So what makes you stand out from the countless other deal sites? If you have a USP, then maybe this will inspire some marketing creativity juices

I'm on your home page now, and the most dominant thing on there is a facebook plug in

Current Deals | Upcoming Deals

No results found.

If you're going to get some big partners to send you serious traffic, then you need to dress your shop window and make it enticing!

Instead of a no results found, maybe tweak the sql query to keep expanding the search until there is a deal. That will plug any holes while you get established.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Wow surely a great way in order to improve conversion rate. Thanks a lot for posting....

Hmmm, that doesn't really help the OP though, do you have any ideas they could use?


You can use following tips for increase the traffic of your website

* Post your links on Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.. etc.

* Post your links in Link building websites using link building techniques like

-Directory Submission
-Forum posting
-Article marketing
-Blog posting and commenting
-Press Release
-Social bookmarking
-Link Bait.. etc

* Use Adwords services of Social Networking websites and Search Engines


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