Valentine's Day - Share your excitements.

By : Growing Business
Published 9th February 2012 |
Read latest comment - 15th February 2012

Hi folks,

14th Feb Valentines Day is just left less than a week away. So what are your plans for this day?
How are you going to make this day more special?
Have you bought the gifts and flowers for the special ones? Or yet have to?

Share your excitements.
Also share what you are expecting for yourself from your special one?


Bliss Felton
forum avatarelitebag
9th February 2012 12:58 PM
In fact I am not so excited at all because the boy I don't really like him ,maybe just for marriage .

Hi folks,

14th Feb Valentines Day is just left less than a week away. So what are your plans for this day?

Get a baby sitter

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarGilesfuchs
10th February 2012 2:55 PM
I'm going to do nothing. But the next day, I'm going to buy all the discount chocolates I like


Hope everyone has a great Valetine's Day!


In fact I am not so excited at all because the boy I don't really like him ,maybe just for marriage .

Interesting. Many best wishes for your future.

Get a baby sitter

That's like a good boy.

I'm going to do nothing. But the next day, I'm going to buy all the discount chocolates I like

seem intelligent. Have fun.

Bliss Felton

I'm going to do nothing. But the next day, I'm going to buy all the discount chocolates I like

Hope you're out there hoovering up the cheap choccies

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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