SEO & Online Marketing Help

By : Forum Member
Published 10th February 2010 |
Read latest comment - 16th July 2011

Hey Guys

This is more some advice than anything else but if anyone needs some help with SEO or online marketing then please ask.

I will always do my best to help and provide you with steps on how to execute the marketing plan.



forum avatarsbronson
13th February 2010 4:09 PM
I had a question about link exchange services. Are they really worth the effort? I understand that you have to have something in common with the site you are linking to. Obviously you can't ask to do a link exchange with a another web development company.

Is there any way that you could give me some ideas about who to target?


Sure it is 100% worth it, Google still used links as a major factor when ranking your website so having links is key.

There are some ways around it and I would be happy to disucss them with you depending on your market and who you are trying to target.


As far as I am aware there are many "link exchange" offers out there, just type this in google.

The problem is Google does not like websites with collection of "juk" links and in such a case you ranking may actually go down and not up.

It is better to do "link exchange" with the websites offering a similar type of business or are of a similar industry.


Ahh more confusing input for Mike to work out

bonsai passion

forum avatarKip FX Design
28th February 2010 6:43 PM
I have to say, I think the best SEO comes from business owners, as with all areas of business, the owners tend to study and learn it to run their own businesses, from books to legalities, SEO mastery comes from trial and error.

The person that has tought me the most in SEO is a client of mine, and his site is competing with MAJOR companies, and certified bodies, and still took him internationally!

Do some homework, & copy success, it really is that simple.

As a rule, I address an [link removed]internet marketing company to help me in SEO, but you are well-qualified it would be great to get some useful tips from you.

Do you think we all came in on the slow boat? As its Friday, and I'm in a great mood, I haven't banned you

Link dropping SEO anchor text, and bumping a thread over a year old.... and a self badged SEO consultant asking for advice...

Naughty Kay....

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Link exchanges are pretty old hat these days - just stick to creating great content then encouraging social buzz - facebook / twitter / +1 etc


I had a question about link exchange services. Are they really worth the effort? I understand that you have to have something in common with the site you are linking to. Obviously you can't ask to do a link exchange with a another web development company.

Is there any way that you could give me some ideas about who to target?

They can be but Google are very savvy about link exchanges and will slap you hard on the wrist for it...


forum avatarSSLMatrix
16th July 2011 7:39 AM
Hey Guys

This is more some advice than anything else but if anyone needs some help with SEO or online marketing then please ask.

I will always do my best to help and provide you with steps on how to execute the marketing plan.



Please tell me Two thing.

one is how Google Algorithm exactly work.(provide some useful tutorial link to learn)
second one is how to get top result in Google SERP

Thanks in Advance.

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