
By : Business Start Up
Published 8th May 2012 |
Read latest comment - 25th May 2012

Has anyone heard of the Worldwide Who's Who Registry for Professionals?

I thought this was a free directory, but I have since found several references to this registry being a scam.


Never heard of them, but there have been countless who's who type scams "you have been selected to join us" or "we have a private membership" type of rubbish.

Doesn't mean these are one, but I'd be very cautious

I like the member benefits, if you want a certificate of achievement or a wall plaque, I'll rustle one up for

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I'll have you know "they" want me to be in "Who's Who" so much they've sent umpteen invitations! No-one's invited me to a Buck House garden party though ....


Is this the same as the world business directory scam?


forum avatarGilesfuchs
10th May 2012 10:55 AM
I've found countless results in Google for this kw search : world business directory spam, that explains not to sign the document and do business with this company.


I've found countless results in Google for this kw search : world business directory spam, that explains not to sign the document and do business with this company.

That's some clever research in place. A couple of questions that runs on my mind all the time regarding this, When will these spams ever stop bothering us? And is there nothing that could be done about it other than avoiding?


...When will these spams ever stop bothering us? And is there nothing that could be done about it other than avoiding?

Unfortunately, like 99% of all scams on and offline, they either appeal to peoples greed, eg You've won something for nothing or peoples gullibility such as spoof bank emails asking for too much detail. I'd argue the who's who type scams could be classed as gullible, playing on peoples perceived online vanity.

Unfortunately, a lot of people do respond and make this profitable. Until we either stop being greedy, or wise up, then scam spam will be with us forever

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Unfortunately, like 99% of all scams on and offline, they either appeal to peoples greed, eg You've won something for nothing or peoples gullibility such as spoof bank emails asking for too much detail. I'd argue the who's who type scams could be classed as gullible, playing on peoples perceived online vanity.

Unfortunately, a lot of people do respond and make this profitable. Until we either stop being greedy, or wise up, then scam spam will be with us forever

We really need to start putting our brains to a wiser use and stop bothering about them completely. Ignorance can surely be bliss sometimes, Isn't it?


We really need to start putting our brains to a wiser use and stop bothering about them completely. Ignorance can surely be bliss sometimes, Isn't it?

yup, can say the same with hackers (as opposed to script kiddies )

Genuinely talented people, just harnessed in the wrong direction

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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