Spelling preferences WIndows 7

By : Forum Member
Published 10th September 2012 |
Read latest comment - 15th September 2012

Sorry, another minor technical issue I ought to be able to solve for myself but can't (quickly enough) ...

I've got the right language setting on Windows 7 (British English) but I don't know how to tell my PC that as far as I'm concerned, you spell words like realise with an "s" and not a "z". It's tedious correcting the mis-spellings.

I suppose I could turn off the spellchecker but I don't want to ...

Can anybody help please?

The Windows 7 operating system is not very good BUT.......

Are you using Word 2010? If so do this:

1) File > Options > Language.
2) From there, you will have English (US), select it and remove it.
3) Then below that is a scroll box, go down to English (UK) and set it as default.

If you are not using Word 2010 what applications are you using where you are finding this American bias?


In Browsers and in Word, I think you can right click and click on Add to dictionary. That way it won't annoy you when you type it. I use that a lot when I write and there's a lot of abbreviations.


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