Max Clifford

By : Forum Member
Published 7th December 2012 |
Read latest comment - 9th December 2012

I bet he wasn't expecting today's publicity

I bet he wasn't expecting today's publicity

Oh this is going to be a master class in damage limitation and reputation management

For anyone who doesn't know who he is, Max Clifford is the PR guru to the stars, and now alleged sex offender!
Max Clifford arrested on suspicion of sexual offences | UK news | The Guardian

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I do feel sorry for those people in the media spotlight caught up in the current 'He did this to me 30 plus years ago accusations' It does seem unfair and unjust to those who have been arrested. Mud sticks, so careers and reputations will be affected forever. Only those who are actually charged with an offence should be named rather than what seems to be happening at present, police informing the press before an arrest warrant is carried out on a celebrity and the media arriving at the accused home before the police have...


forum avatarrachaelcollins01
7th December 2012 10:57 AM
Sometimes we just can't realize what can happen to us?? And the media just make it a spot.


I do feel sorry for those people in the media spotlight caught up in the current 'He did this to me 30 plus years ago accusations' It does seem unfair and unjust to those who have been arrested. Mud sticks, so careers and reputations will be affected forever. Only those who are actually charged with an offence should be named rather than what seems to be happening at present, police informing the press before an arrest warrant is carried out on a celebrity and the media arriving at the accused home before the police have...

Totally agree Barney - i have said this many times in multiple posts - careers have been ruined already, although some do manage a mini claw back. No names should ever be released until they are found guilty, allegations are not sufficient evidence to be trialled by the Press!

John Leslie was never charged but accused, Matthew Kelly was another.

Be interesting how Mr PR deals with this


I agree. In light of the most recent of these accusations against Max Clifford, etc, I did remember Matthew Kelly and I've got to admit that I was trying to remember whether he was cleared or not. It's terrible that people can have their lives ruined just on hear-say and unproven allegations. We think we live in a fair country - just makes me worried for people living under legal systems that are not as "just" as our own.

Totally agree Barney - i have said this many times in multiple posts - careers have been ruined already, although some do manage a mini claw back. No names should ever be released until they are found guilty, allegations are not sufficient evidence to be trialled by the Press!

John Leslie was never charged but accused, Matthew Kelly was another.

Be interesting how Mr PR deals with this

Party Stuff 4u

I don't think it matters where you are in the world. If someone accuses you of something like that, it sticks and people form their own conclusions whether you're cleared or not.


So basically to ruin anyone all you have to do is allege someone did something X years ago and bam, they're lives are screwed if they had public or even just a local profile.

So could someone start taking advantage of this and start naming prime ministers, royalty, etc? Would the police name these people as well? Is nobody safe? All the police have to say is they find no evidence of what was alleged and if the alleged victim was actually never a genuine victim, nothing happens, but the other person is ruined none the less, or scarred to some point anyway.


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