Horsemeat burgers anyone? Tescos says sorry

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 16th January 2013 | Last comment 19th April 2013
TESCO has announced it is introducing ‘comprehensive’ DNA testing in the wake of the horse meat scandal which continues to have massive repercussions across the food chain.

The source of the horse meat contamination found in Tesco value burgers has been traced by Irish authorities to a Polish meat plant which supplied ABP’s Silvercrest burger plant in Ireland for one year.

The contamination was caused by a ‘Polish filler product’ containing ‘a mixture of beef and horse meat’, Food Standards Agency (FSA) chief executive Catherine Brown revealed.

A whole year?

Got this post here from the farmers guardian. Its great that they're putting the DNA testing scheme in place, problem is though, how much damage has the "story" already caused?


Frozen meat in a cold store in Northern Ireland has tested for "exceptionally high" levels of horse DNA, as food standards watchdogs and fraud investigators in the UK and Ireland battle to contain the tainted burger crisis.The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) is seeking to unravel the chain of suppliers to Freeza Meats, which has a production plant and cold store in Newry, County Down.

~ Source: the guardian

Apparently this is the fifth supplier to test positive for equine DNA.


Could be worse of course, Pork in Halal food

BBC News - Supplier of halal meat containing pork DNA is named

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And that was uncovered when they tested for Horse DNA? holy moses. kinda begs the question, do you really know what you're eating. Wonder if I can start a small farm going in my backyard....


I heard so much about this horse meat that now I want to try it Just kidding, I am a little bit worried, not because of the horse meat, but because of the fact that we do not actually know what we are eating. Lack of control or what?

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It's a good job the Irish Food Standards Agency was doing its job otherwise we would still be eating the stuff. Seems our FSA & Trading Standards no longer have the resources to undertake regular tests following cuts in funding!!

The question is what else don't we know about!!!


lol That's the thing. I mean we can't all become farmers and raise our own livestock and our own crops. So we're left to their discretion.

Our news stations finally picked up on the story a few days ago, and my first reaction is too little too late. and then the vague answer from the minister in charge got me thinking. I've lived in a few areas before settling here and have heard rumors about so many butcheries selling horse meat (Especially the ones deemed cheap), It makes one wonder just how much we are being told and how much they're really covering up.


Seems like we have joined in the scandal. A few weeks ago, when the story in the UK hit, our ministers were uhming and ahing about the whole debacle and saying they will investigate and what not.

Well, apparently 68% of the meat tested by Stellenbosch University seems to be either water buffalo, soya, goat or donkey (). They tested burger patties, minced meat, sausages, and meats sold in deli's.

There is a post here that has more info on the story, from iol news.

As the horse meat scandal rages in Europe, top local researchers have found


Oh dear - seems this problem is going Global !

Personally i dont have a major problem eating or at least trying any meat, no matter how cute, furry or un pc that may be, but if i want to buy any meat i expect it to be whats on the packet!

Something else that gets me is how companies are allowed to inject water in to meat to "bulk" the weight - id rather pay a few pence more & have a proper juciy steak instead of the water induced rubbish i currently buy, same with prawns, chickens & legs of lamb that strangely all seem to be exactly the same weight !!!!

Think the food industry is about to get turned on its head - meat prices will increase, well all food prices will increase as a result of this appalling scandal - heads should start to roll soon as this is unravelled......


Thats the thing, I would love to know if the stores tested were chain stores or random little stores only in those areas.

I don't know about food prices increasing, but I know people are goig to think twice before buying meat.


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