Horsemeat burgers anyone? Tescos says sorry

By : Administrator
Published 16th January 2013 |
Read latest comment - 19th April 2013

When is a beefburger not a beefburger? When it's 29% horsemeat
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) said the meat had come from two processing plants in the Irish Republic - Liffey Meats and Silvercrest Foods - and the Dalepak Hambleton plant in North Yorkshire.

The burgers had been on sale in Tesco and Iceland in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, where they were also on sale in Dunnes Stores, Lidl and Aldi.

A total of 27 burger products were analysed, with 10 of them containing traces of horse DNA and 23 containing pig DNA.

Horsemeat accounted for approximately 29% of the meat content in one sample from Tesco, which had two frozen beefburger products sold in both the UK and Ireland contaminated with horse DNA.

BBC News - 'Horsemeat beefburgers' investigated in UK and Ireland

On a more serious note, I wonder if the processing plants will survive? No doubt their whole customer chain will have pulled the plug until they can convince them things have been sorted out, and facilities and processes sorted out. That will take maybe a month or two? Hope they have a good contingency fund...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
wrote a similar post (now removed) to this one a few minutes ago. I'm still shocked though. its making me question stores here, and there isn't a tescos near us.


aldi and lidl also implicated in ireland - though not sure if here in the UK though


aldi and lidl also implicated in ireland - though not sure if here in the UK though

Iceland stores are affected as well in the UK. But if that's your budget, then a value burger is a value burger, and if its cheap and safe for humans, then best not to think about what it's actually made of!!

Or get a packet of mince, chop an onion, bit of mustard, chilli or anything you want, few herbs and add an egg if mixture too dry and make your own Really easy, doesn't take long, and you can blag the role of being a cooking genius lol. Make a job lot and chuck them in the freezer

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

You can buy horse meat over the counter in London, never tried it myself. The French seem to love it... End of the day meat is meat, different cultures eat different types of meat dogs-cats you name it if it moves and fits into a wok it's eaten. Some find it offensive, some see it as survival....


You can buy horse meat over the counter in London, never tried it myself.

Had a horse burger avec frites in France years ago, was lovely

But I'd be a bit miffed if my Tescos finest Aberdeen Angus burgers was actually part Shergar

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Seems to be only budget burgers affected so far, but think this story has a few furlongs to go, a few people will be whipped before we reach the finishing post - ahem... il get my jockey, i mean jacket !!!!


Seems to be only budget burgers affected so far, but think this story has a few furlongs to go, a few people will be whipped before we reach the finishing post - ahem... il get my jockey, i mean jacket !!!!

Lol: Apparently horse meat is very tasty, problem is though it can give some people the trots


I think that most people finished digesting Shergar nearly 30 years ago The problem with budget meat products is that there is on a percentage of the stated meat content in it to start with. So a 100% burger will if your lucky have a 40% meat content and the rest of it will be made up of rusk, bread, onion, fat and whatever other junk they want to stick in it. So having a bit of horse in it gave it additional meat content for free, yet people still complain...
Personally I prefer to make my own...


But then how would you know the minced beef you're using is actually beef?

This is kinda why I enjoy the friendship I have with my butcher. There are areas in the former Transkei where you go to butchers and ask for beef, and you end up getting horse meat, so while I lived there I was contemplating becoming a vegetarian for a while lol.

There is a restaurant/diner cafe around these parts that is not allowed to serve pies. At all. Let's just say that they took Sweeney Todd a little too seriously, but kept the wild feline population under control all in one broad stroke.

You get all sorts here though from people eating things like Crocodile, Snake, even dang mopani worms (shivers), and ostrich, and to be honest, the only thing I would eat from that list is ostrich. I mean I don't even eat escargot.


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