When not to outsource

By Dreamraven : Forum Moderator
Published 17th January 2013 | Last comment 30th January 2013
bit of an oxymoron there, if his access token was super secure it couldn't have been accessed from china

Bay Waste

bit of an oxymoron their, if his access token was super secure it couldn't have been accessed from china

Very true. But I guess the security guys forgot to consider the scenario of the employee popping it in the post to another country

No doubt that's been rectified!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Outsourcing is key to business success, you need not get worried about whether the job is done by an Outsourced employee or not. The theme is the job should be done pretty well irrespective of who does it. This is the trend!


Outsourcing is key to business success, you need not get worried about whether the job is done by an Outsourced employee or not. The theme is the job should be done pretty well irrespective of who does it. This is the trend!

I am going to have to respectfully disagree there. This employee is not a freelancer, and is not meant to outsource their work. Which is why they gave him the access token. It was meant for him and him alone. He works a normal day just like anyone that wakes up and goes to the office. I can almost guarantee that their contracts are going to include something about outsourcing now as well.

Bottom line is, he applied for the job and got it according to his credentials. But, he sits around all day doing nothing, while someone in China is paid for doing his work for him. The work he originally applied for in the first place. So, even though he still had to pay the guy in China for the work, he was still pocketing a load of money yearly for doing nothing but watch cats on youtube all day (the mind boggles with that one lol). He was not meant to outsource the work. he was being paid to do it himself.


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