My Page 1 Google Rankings

By : Growing Business
Published 24th January 2013 |
Read latest comment - 25th January 2013

I launched my website a few months back and have been getting the best SEO services by far on this project. Recently my rankings where updated and now i have 4 Google page 1 rankings and 3 page 2 rankings. As we all know,more traffic equals more money, you can check the SEO company website - backlinks-master

Hi Daniel

Moved you to a more relevant part of the forum and removed the back link to backlinks-master as I'm sure they don't need any more

So even in this post Panda and Penguin world, using link generators like this still works ok? I thought these were the type of link Penguin updates was targeting?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I think they might have heard that MLF backlinks are quite good forum posts now rank no. 1 for a keyword that finally has got above moneysupermarket that held the no.1 spot for ages.


Hi think they might have heard that MLF backlinks are quite good forum posts now rank no. 1 for a keyword that finally has got above moneysupermarket that held the no.1 spot for ages.

Hmm, missing a trick here! That reminds me Sandra, you have an outstanding invoice for erm keyword promotion

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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