Foods Standards Agency? Toothless agency???

By : Administrator
Published 8th February 2013 |
Read latest comment - 15th February 2013

So we've had Tesco Horse Burgers, Halal meat with Pork in it, now the latest one, Findus supplied Lasagne with between 60% - 100% Horse meat! Not exactly traces of horse DNA is it? I read this morning that ready made spag bolls were also getting pulled by different makers

So the food standards agency, doing a Stirling job there of monitoring our food chain. Hmmm, toothless agency, that doesn't even bear thinking about!

Remember in the old days when you could read a label on the packet, and it told you what was in it....

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
You just beat me to it, Steve.

However, I would like to add that it makes me glad that I'm a vegetarian. I haven't noticed any signs of horse in my vegetable pies so far (but you never know).

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020 8683 7155

I haven't noticed any signs of horse in my vegetable pies so far (but you never know).

lol you veggies had better watch out, you know what's coming next, those Linda McCartney veggie burgers are really......

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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And most vegetables are grown using what? I know because I've just bought half a ton of the stuff, there is no escape it's just a matter of taste


i find it hard getting the stuff up here in Glasgow - just glad we buy all our meat from the local butcher and ask them to mince the chicken for us when we are there. Interesting though from Morrison's - apparently they own their own abbatoirs - not sure if in uk or not - so know where all the meat for their products come from. Much better and if the supermarket's are stopped from under paying the farmers then we would be back to our own meat supplies to buy. Though Tesco's ex boss did state last week that there is no place for independence shops in the UK only supermarkets! What does he know that we don't especially in the light of their horse burgers.


just glad we buy all our meat from the local butcher and ask them to mince the chicken for us when we are there.

Good for you. Somehow I think there will be a roaring trade now for the local butchers, so every cloud and all that

I've been talking about using our butchers more often, if only you could park in the town for longer than 30 minutes without incurring the wrath of the parking gestapo!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Considering how much gets past Food Standards, imagine how much they must stop!

Well, you'd hope...


yikes just read that it may be donkey - oh no food standards agency should check for all known animals instead of concentrating on just one or two.

do you have a community council in your area if yes get as many people to complain to them and ask them to help in getting the council to change the parking times. More complaints more likely it is to change


yikes just read that it may be donkey...

noticed an absence of stray dogs over the last few years? Coincidence?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

oh -

do you think they might want some slugs and snails got tons of them in the garden


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