
By : Forum Moderator
Published 3rd July 2013 |
Read latest comment - 20th July 2013

I've been watching our own TV ads running here, and wondered, what makes a good tagline? How do you choose one that suits your business?

Watching the ads on TV made me wonder what most of the marketers were on when they thought of their taglines because to me some really don't suit the business, for example one was oh my gosh, it's posh. This was used to describe a rather popular race (wont mention names), we have around here and it just really sounded odd.

What do you think of when you're thinking about a tagline for your company. maybe we can put together a list of thoughts others can use for their businesses.

I believe the tagline message should be pretty straightforward. For example we have chosen ours - Stop here for all your legal needs, which automatically tells the potential client what we do. However if we go for something, which is not clear enough, they might be confused and simply go for another option

Fixed Fee Legal Services | Bespoke Document Drafting | Document Templates

That's what I think it should be. I mean leaving it sounding completely cryptic is not the best way to do things. I know its not the easiest thing to do, trying to get one short, powerful statement that describes your company.

So if you had to sit down and think about what you want to use as a tagline, what steps would you follow? and how would you narrow it down?


Keep it simple and obvious. If people have to try and decipher what you are talking about, then it's all over

We've actually got a few on the forum:

Your Online Business Community

Spam Free Business Discussion
Marketing Advice & Assistance
and some business banter...

Hopefully all obvious and self explanatory!

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Exactly lol. Oh my gosh, its posh.... doesn't really tell you anything about the race, what its about or anything of the sort, its kinda pointless.


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