Mobile Sim cards are at risk of being hacked

By : Forum Moderator
Published 23rd July 2013 |
Read latest comment - 4th October 2013

I got this post from the BBC and thought I'd share it here. It seems that with one text message, some mobile sim cards can then be used to either listen in on conversations or worse rob you.

Karsten Nohl has said he has found a way to discover some Sims' digital keys by sending them a special text message.
He warned criminals could potentially use the technique to listen in on calls or steal cash.

dang, just when we thought things were safe with phones again. Any thoughts?

I think i need more details on this before i start to worry. like, what sims? which networks? 3g only, or 3g and 2g? or 4g?
also how difficult is it to do this?

CD2 Solutions

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